A lot has been said and done to understand the devastation caused by the pandemic. As seen in the figure above no country on face of the earth was spared from the negative impacts and the size of the bubbles shows the size of impact each country endured.
The negative impacts ranged from loss of lives to economic recession exposing global disparities exacerbating existing social, economic and health disparities disproportionately affecting marginalized communities including low-income groups and frontline workers.
To put it in perspective I was able to use the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to uncover the depths of the devastation in terms of the understanding the top 8 countries that had the most number of cases
This AI decomposition tree shows that 2022 was the peak of cases for most countries here we see the top 5 countries filtered to see the deep impact with United States leading the case count with 54bn cases out of which 2022 had the most of about 31bn and the maximum case count was reached in the month of December with 3bn cases for USA
closely followed by India with 29bn cases with its peak in December 2022 with 1.3bn cases
Surprise insight were in the bottom 5 countries that had LEAST case counts and they can be seen as above there with North Korea 300 cases with 232 being the maximum case count in December of 2022 and the case count being zero before May 2022. This low case count can be attributed to several factors including isolationist policies and strict border controls, strict quarantine measures imposed by authorities, restricted travel and limited reporting.
Tuvalu a country between Australia and Hawaii in the pacific ocean had 322k cases as seen in the pic above where the peak was during December 2022 with 87k it was intriguing to see no reported cases till May 2022 and the maximum cases in 2023 in the first 3 months.
AI generated visuals are a great step ahead in the already progressing field of artificial intelligence and provide an opportunity to drive insights which would other cases be obscure and hard to interpret.